Over the Alps to Italy...

So, it's late June and you've just got back from the French Revolution, a pretty full-on lap of some of the best driving roads France has to offer. What do you do? Kick back and relax for the rest of the summer, basking in the memory of those glorious days on the road? No. If you're us, following four days back home, you hit the road to the Channel Tunnel again, with your destination this time being Italy. Or, more specifically, the supercar factories scattered around Modena.
Yep, it was time for the second running of Pub2Pub's Beer Italia road trip.
The 2023 Beer Italia took place between the 01st and 09th July, and saw a rather brightly coloured convoy of sports cars and classics hit the road south, crossing the Alps to Italy before setting course north past the Italian lakes, back over the alps to northern Europe. And naturally, it was a blast. Here are some photos to give you some idea of just what a blast it was; if you're feeling inspired, the Beer Italia will be back on the Pub2Pub calendar for 2024...